Thursday 19 July 2012

A Very Long Journey

"Running gives freedom. When you run you can determine your own tempo. You can choose your own course and think whatever you want. Nobody tells you what to do". ~Nina Kuscik

...Except when my running app tells me when to stop and go.

Running (It's really jogging, but running sounds better) has been an extremely long journey for me. And yes, it is my completely my fault. The reason I started running was because I wanted to lose weight, which also has been an extremely long journey. It has been a continuous cycle of gyms, programs, videos, running becoming lazy, giving it up, and having to start over again.
Starting over again has to to be the hardest thing to do ever. 

I love the gym. Honest. When I get to go, there are very few people there. The same people. I get to know these familiar faces (not personally) and know when there is someone new or when there is someone missing. But I would would much rather be outside in the trails jogging.

I have this app on my Iphone run 10k. I chose this because it is awesome for beginners and tell you when to stop and go, and the time increased every week. I have been in week 6 fore quite some time. The trails are my favourite because there is less people to get in my way :). It is also so nice to hear the birds chirping loud enough to hear through my music.  There is also something about hearing your shoes pound that gravel.

So, here is my point. I started jogging again yesterday after a 3 week break. I almost died. I was if I had never jogged before in my life. Side stitches, out of breath, finding it hard to balance. Yes, it was a perfect combination. But you know what? I pushed. I totally didn't last as long as I usually so, but I didn't want to end up with shin splints and be out of commission for too long. But it felt good.

The best feeling is after a workout or a run. It is such a euphoric sense of accomplishment. Sweating, yes sweating, is the best! It shows how hard you work!

I have a long way to go, and that light at the end of the tunnel feels like it keeps pulling back, but I know it is there. I just need to keep going. If you want something bad enough, you will make it your passion. That is when it is worth it. 

If there is something in your life that you are struggling with in trying to conquer it or accomplish it, be encouraged! 

"The difference between impossible and possible lies in a person's determination". 
~Tommy Lasorda

Be blessed!


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